Attachment – Application Document – REC Caucasus – 2019-SP-OL-03
Announcement of Tender for Supply of Computer Software-2019-SP-OL-03
Publication Date: February 25, 2019
Closing Date for Submission of Tenders: 20 March, 2019
Publication Reference: REC-Caucasus-GEF-6 (GreenLands.ge)-2019-SP-OL-03
The Regional Environmental Centre for the Caucasus (REC Caucasus) is implementing the GEF funded project “Generating Economic and Environmental Benefits from Sustainable Land Management for Vulnerable Rural Communities of Georgia” (GEF Project ID: 9730).
Within the framework of the above project REC Caucasus is planning to purchase software for computer equipment. Consequently, REC Caucasus is looking for a firm to provide this product. The detailed list and technical specifications can be seen in the attached file (Application Document).
The supply service should be commenced from 21 March of 2019 and completed by the end of 26 March 2019. Applicants should provide the following information:
- Description of the offered goods (technical specifications, quantity and other respective parameters)
- Terms of supply (dates, installation etc.)
- Total (all inclusive) price, all applicable taxes in accordance with Georgian legislation and possible other expenditures.
The following criteria will be used for the identification of the best offer:
- The characteristics, types and quality of the offered product correspond to the minimum technical requirements described in the Application Document.
- Lowest price is offered.
The tenderers may alter their offers by written notification prior to the deadline for submission of tenders.
Those interested to participate in the tender should provide their application in a form of a filled table (please, see attached Application Document), by post or email before the deadline (20 March, 2019, 18:00 pm of local time) to the following address:
David Dartsimelia
Authorized Officer
REC Caucasus
13, Badri Shoshitaishvili Street
(former Dimitri Arakishvili 1st Dead-end)
0179 Tbilisi, Georgia
Tel: +995 32 2250775
Application Document must also contain the following:
- Tender Publication Reference : REC-Caucasus-GEF-6 (GreenLands.ge)-2019-SP-OL-03
- Full Name of a company and the signature (with an official seal) of a director/manager.
- Legal address, Telephone and Fax number.
- Bank details.
Applicants can inquire further information from Authorized Officer, David Dartsimelia (david.dartsimelia@rec-caucasus.org) by email no later than 18 March 2019.