Land Degradation Neutrality Transformative Projects and Programmes (LDN-TPP) [Georgia]
The Global Database on Sustainable Land Management (SLM) of WOCAT (the World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies)
Compiler: Daniel Zollner 04/22/2021
Integrated Land Use Plans for Municipalities in Georgia [Georgia]
The Global Database on Sustainable Land Management (SLM) of WOCAT (the World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies)
Compiler: Daniel Zollner 04/21/2021
FAO and UNCCD. 2022. Technical Guide on Integration of Voluntary Guidelines on Responsible Governance of Land Tenure, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security into Implementation of the UNCCD and LDN . FAO, Rome and UNCCD, Bonn.
UNCCD/Science-Policy Interface (2022). The Contribution of Integrated Land Use Planning and Integrated Landscape Management to Implementing Land Degradation Neutrality. Science-Policy Brief No: 07. May 2022. United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), Bonn, Germany.