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The Project “Generating Economic and Environmental Benefits from Sustainable Land Management for Vulnerable Rural Communities of Georgia” is included in Portfolio Review under the GEF Knowledge Management and Learning Initiative
GEF Secretariat launched 2024 Learning Report within the framework of the GEF knowledge management and learning initiative. The purpose of this learning report is to generate knowledge and share ex...
REC Caucasus Supports the Second Phase of LDN Target Setting Programme (LDN TSP) in Georgia
The Second Phase of LDN Target Setting Programme (LDN TSP) in Georgia was launched at an Inception Workshop held on April 29, 2024, in Tbilisi, Georgia. The Inception Workshop, co-organized by t...
World Soil Day 2023 Event in Georgia with Theme of the Year – Soil and Water, a Source of Life
On December 5, 2023, the REC Caucasus participated in the World Soil Day (WSD) Event, which was organized in Georgia by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia and the E...
Validation and Training Workshop was held on the Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) for Sustainable Land Management (SLM) in Georgia
More than 25 stakeholders gathered on December 8, 2022 to discuss the findings of the study on “Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) for Sustainable Land Management (SLM) in Georgia” stu...

Generating Economic and Environmental Benefits from Sustainable Land Management for Vulnerable Rural Communities of Georgia


Project objectives: To develop and strengthen sustainable land management (SLM) practices and build capacity at municipal scale for their application for the protection of natural capital in Georgia


Project Component:

  1. Creating an enabling environment at municipal scale for achieving Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) Country Voluntary target;
  2. Pilot implementation of measures avoiding degradation, intensifying sustainable land management practices and land rehabilitation to improve ecosystem functions and services
  3. Knowledge Management and Capacity Building



Gori Municipality

Different grades of paper are used to produce a range of everyday items – from papers and magazines to advertising leaflets.

Kareli Municipality

Different grades of paper are used to produce a range of everyday items – from papers and magazines to advertising leaflets.

Sagarejo Municipality

Different grades of paper are used to produce a range of everyday items – from papers and magazines to advertising leaflets.

Kvareli Municipality

Different grades of paper are used to produce a range of everyday items – from papers and magazines to advertising leaflets.